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View Church Writing Team

Who Goes with You?

Time to Recalibrate Some of you may relate to this experience as a child growing up; where your parents take you to an exciting event or fair that has so much to see and do.

If your parents were like my parents they would have told you to stay close and not to wonder around as you could get lost in the crowd.

I remember going to a fun exhibition that was filled with toys, games technology gadgets, variety of food stalls, just so many hundreds of stands that had diverse performances and products on offer.

The exhibition was an annual one in my home town that was held over a period of 7 days. Thousands of people would flock to the Huge Exhibition Park which always had such great attractions. As you can imagine many children would get lost and from time to time you would hear the public address system blaring out and asking people to keep an eye on their kids as well as announcing that the Exhibition Parks Police Station Stand, had a lost and found children section that could assist parents who could not find their kids.

On one particular occasion I was so taken by a particular display and I wondered away from the group that I was with. I was enjoying myself so much taking in all the wonderful cars on display at the Mercedes Benz stand and dreaming that one day I would drive such prestigious cars when I suddenly got such a fright because I realised that I was no longer with my aunt who had brought me. I panicked knowing that some children would get lost and not get found at these exhibitions. I retraced my steps and thankfully within minutes I found my Aunt and cousins near the entrance to the Mercedes exhibition. I was all the more thankful that they had not noticed my temporary disappearance as that would have had adverse repercussions from my parents had they heard that I had gone off on my own.

To this day I can remember feeling the fear and the panic of being lost because of drifting from my guardian. I realise that sometimes I am like that in my walk with God. I begin the year asking God to be with me because I know that He is the best person to guide me and see me through the year. But often-times as the year progresses, I can get lost in the distractions of the attractions of what the world has to offer or it can also be in the quest to solve the problems that have come my way during the year, that I can wonder away getting lost in self pity, worry and anxiety not realising I have strayed away from my reliance on God.

For me the View Church mid-year 7 days of Prayer & Fasting is a good opportunity to “awaken” and check if I am still putting God first and relying on Him for my all in all that I am doing or facing. It helps me re-calibrate my steps and ask my self Who am I going with on this journey through the year.

In the Bible Moses was a great leader who led God’s people out of captivity in Egypt. He knew that God’s Present with them was the only guarantee of success that they had. As the people of God he understood that the only thing that would differentiate them from everyone else and elevate them to greatness and fruitfulness was God’s presence with them!

This week as we go through the 7 days of Prayer and Fasting at View Church, why don’t you ask yourself, who is going with me? Let us press in and disconnect from the distractions that take us away from God’s holy presence and reconnect with our heavenly father.

Each day of the working week(Mon - Friday) we shall be having the 5x5 worship encounter nights from 7pm to 8pm at all our Locations, Camps Bay, Melkbos & Table View. Take time to join as we declare that God’s Presence is valuable and what we need to get through not just this year but towards eternity.

Exodus 33:13-16 NIV If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people.”

The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Then Moses said to him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us?

What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?”

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