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Sharing The Gospel - Download The Salvation Booklet Now!

Updated: Aug 18, 2024

It can be a daunting thought to share the gospel with someone especially when that person is a stranger and you have not really been trained on how to share the Gospel.

As an introvert i find it difficult to approach anyone, stranger or not so that I can share my faith even though I have a great desire to do so!

However praying about my shortcomings and depending on God has helped me understand that God's grace is truly sufficient in my weaknesses. I now know that for God's perfect strength is truly seen when I depend on him in those things I am weak at.

It is God who works through me and not my own abilities that accomplish the most amazing things especially sharing the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

At the end of this short article you will find a little electronic booklet that you can download to help and guide you in the steps of sharing your faith effectively.

Over the years i have also learnt a few technics to help me overcome my shyness and lack of confidence which helps me share my faith.

The points below may also be of assistance to those who do not know how or how to start sharing God's word with family, friends, work colleagues or even strangers!

  1. Be intentional about the need to share the Gospel -

    - Decide that you want to be a Gospeler (gos-pel-er Noun. A person who zealously teaches or professes faith in the gospel.)

    - Ask God to help you be intentional and to make you his witness where-ever you are

    - Prayer, Worship and a consistent Bible devotional life helps you to intentionally develop a desire and hunger for Gods that also prepares you to have a confidence to share God's word.

    - Be intentional about taking note of the things God does for you on a daily basis, especially the miraculous things because these can form the basis of your testimony as you present yourself as a valid witness of how Great and wonderful our loving God is.

  2. Be on the Look out for opportunity to Share the Gospel

    - You can Share the gospel of Christ anywhere, on the bus or train or in the supermarket, You can be in the office or at home, sharing the gospel is achievable anywhere.

    - Be sensitive to how you converse, some people may be uncomfortable about talking in places where others are listening, you can gauge the response by being attentive as you strike up conversation.

    - There is no miraculous out of this world formula on when it is the right time or place to share. Anytime and place may be the right opportunity - be sensitive to God's prompting you more than your own insecurities talking you out of realising the opportunity to share.

    - When you feel the peace of God to approach someone, It is the right time - Take it, Do not fear!

  3. Once you identify the person Pray briefly in your heart as you submit the Conversation you are about to have to have with the person you have identified or sensed as being the opportunity to share the gospel with.

    - this allows you to fully submit your intentions and insecurities to God.

    - a simple prayer like Heavenly Father please help me to be your witness is enough to get you going and build confidence that God is with you.

    - At times when it is someone you know like a family member or work colleague who is greatly opposed to hearing about God, Praying about the person in your own personal prayer times can help prepare you to be sensetive for the opportunity to either invite them to Church or directly have a Salvation conversation. Prayer prepares the ground of that persons heart to be transformed beforehand and become ready to listen to the Gospel.

  4. Connect with the Person: Simply start with a hello and if the person is a stranger find a non threatening subject to kick off your conversation like the weather and eventually build into a few questions to show you are interested in the person.

    - Do not just launch into what you want to share - Connect with the person first and trust The Holy Spirit to lead your conversation at each step and He will lead you to the right moment to share your faith

    - Many people are concerned with living meaningful lives or their destiny in life, talking around such topics like careers and having a meaningful work life can be a perfect build up to talking about purpose , the meaning of life which can help you launch into the subject of our creator God and his plans for our destiny and His purposes over everyone's life.

    - The little booklet below this article is entitled My destiny in God and is a Good guideline to share that faith.

  5. You can then Share a testimony or Share the good news of the gospel directly depending on your build up

    - As your conversation progresses you will eventually find a moment which may allow you to either share a testimony of how God worked in your life which can then lead you to find out if the person knows Jesus as their personal saviour as their interest is peaked by your testimony

    - Your conversation may also directly lead into sharing the gospel without necessarily sharing a testimony. - Again The booklet on My destiny in God is a good tool and guideline to follow as your share.

  6. Stay focused on God's Love and care for the person as you talk,

    - don't be distracted by what you don't know

    - if asked any difficult questions focus on what you know and don't be afraid to say you don't have the answer to the questions

    - stay away from arguments if you meet any resistance, some people use arguments to silence you or strongly object to your beliefs.

  7. When you get a favourable response don't wait, Lead the person to Christ if they are convicted by the message you share don't wait!

    - if the response is not favourable or becomes hostile don't despair, lovingly steer the conversation to another subject and eventually thank them for the wonderful conversation you end the encounter

    - appreciate the individual as a person that God loves and do not be weighed down by disappointment as the person will feel they if they were just a target of Religious banter.

  8. Below is the helpful Little Booklet, My Destiny in God that you can download and use to help you through the process of sharing the Gospel. You are also welcome to print it and distribute it to people that you may want to share the Good news for them to read in place of you talking to them directly.

    In all the above always Remember:

    • The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts people of the need for salvation so submitting yourself to His leading helps you to be less anxious and self conscious

    • The outcome of the conversation is not dependant on your capability but rather your availability to share and then The Holy Spirit does the rest.

    • Sometimes God just wants us to introduce the subject so dont pressure yourself to get the person to immediately make a decision,

    • Some people need the seed to be planted and God may use another person or process later after your conversation as the Holy Spirit works within the persons heart through the seed you have planted.


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