"The Place of Honour stems from the heart Positioned in Humility,"
A.K.C - The Vantage of Victory
Hey that is my seat, why are you seating at my seat? My daughter and son's argument triggered a memory from my own childhood where my older sister and I argued over who would sit next to my dad. Sitting next to father was a great place of honour because it was a strategic way of getting more meat onto your plate... both my sister and I loved meat. We knew that if we sat close to Daddy, he would notice whenever we had finished our own meat and he would usually without being asked share his own meat with us. On this particular day however Daddy noticed us fighting about which position we should take at the dinner table and he looked very disappointed. He passionately lectured us about this and called our attention to the fact that he while is the head of the home, he never really chose a set place at the table. He did not sit at the head of the table or position himself in a favourable spot, even in the lounge he did not ever move us from a certain chair even, if it was his favourite position to watch the news from. This was our home we did not have to fight for position or seats, all of us could share whatever we had even positions at the table.
As I thought about this watching my own kids talk about sitting at their spot at the dinner table, I told them to sit in the different places and we prayed before eating I told them how Jesus came on earth and gave up his spot in the throne of heaven to take up an unfamiliar position as the lowly son of a carpenter. Jesus then went on to take up a position that no-one would ever want to take up, he took our place of death so that we would not have to die. Adam and Eve allowed sin to be part of our lives and it brought death but Jesus took up the Ultimate place of sacrifice and gave his own sinless life to be executed so that he could bring us salvation from the sin that came through Adam.
As He was placed on the cross beaten and nailed gruesomely and treated like a criminal, Jesus did not complain even once about the seat of Pain and suffering that he was having to take. He knew that rightfully his seat was in the throne room of heaven but he humbled himself in love to share pain and suffering with the criminals on either side of him.
One of the criminals even declared that he deserved to die but Jesus was being unfairly punished, that is how much Jesus cares and loves for us.
As I told my children this story, I challenged them to not seek only positions of comfort or pleasure in this world. To not fight over positions of Honour and Privilege but rather to share in love and serve in humility just as Jesus shared in our shame, our pain so that he could bring us Salvation. It was a sobering lesson for me too as I spoke, I know that sometimes in my relationships I fight to be right rather than take a place of understanding others and miss out on the opportunity of building unity and forging strong relationships.
I may strive to remain in the place of comfort and miss out on the opportunities to sit in the seat of generosity and service to those who are vulnerable and making an impact in my community or Nation.
Today as we think about how Jesus lay in that grave after being killed on the cross. Think about how he took your place and mine. He unfairly took up a position of dishonour and death so that you and I could experience redemption and freedom from the chains of sin that bound us so deservingly.
Remember that out of Humility was born Greatness, out of Pain That Jesus experienced we have now received healing. From his death we have been given a position of Life and life eternal.
Thank you for the cross.
Scripture Encouragement & Meditation
Philippians 2:3â€-‬11 NLT
Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross. Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honour and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Celebrate JESUS
We cant wait to see you at our service at Camps Bay, Melkbos & Table View as we Celebrate Resurrection Sunday Tomorrow. We have space in all of our services for you and your loved ones. See you then
Written by Advocate Chikwati ©2022 ViewChurch