In my first year of high school I was often mistaken to be the brother of a trouble maker called Zee who had finished high school the year before I entered high school. While i hated the thought of being likened to a boy who was well known for mischief and beating up other boys to a pulp I must say that this case of mistake identity began to work in my favour.
No one dared to bully me or be mean to me because they really thought I may actually be Zee's brother even when I denied it. Such was Zee's infamous behaviour that he was known as an Unstoppable Fighter not only in that school but in the whole city. No one dared to pick a fight with Zee because he was a giant whose physique supported his ill temper and his marshal arts skills. When my classmates were with me they were "safe" because no-one dared to pick on Zee's younger brother. I must say however that i did have a slight fear that Zee's plethora of enemies would one day turn on me as a softer target in trying to take revenge on whatever it is that Zee had done to them, but it seemed Zee was feared so much that no body was interested in picking any sort of fight with him, He was the Ultimate Unstoppable Bully. This small snippet from my first year in high school gave me a view of how one could possibly share in an "unstoppable" legacy. By virtue of being associated with Zeus, albeit mistaken identity, I shared in Zee's unstoppable legacy. People were afraid to mess with me because they thought if he is the brother of the unstoppable Zee then messing with me would be signing a sure death warrant for themselves. It is the same in the relationship you can have with God your maker, You become unstoppable when you choose to walk with God in all that you do. Why? Simply because God is The Unstoppable God! No one can stop a move of God except God himself, No one can thwart or change God's purposes except God himself. Your major step in becoming Unstoppable is joining forces with the ultimate Unstoppable Legend. As you serve God and live a life that respects and follows God's will for you, your story will change from being being fickle and stagnant to being Alive and vibrant ever-moving yielding only to the things God expects you to yield to. When the early Church started, The high Priest and his officials of the day were not to sure if Jesus's disciples were legit, They did not quite understand if the Jesus movement was a God movement. They arrested the disciples now known as Apostles and put them in a jail but God sent an angel and set free the Apostles. Jail could not stop God's work. the high council heard that the men they had put in jail had escaped and were perplexed. Acts 5:24 Those who try to stop you when you are living for God will be left confused because God will fight for you. In the end Gamaliel an expert in God's word advised the high priest and his council to stop fighting the Apostles because if indeed they were within God's will they would have to contend with God himself for fighting against him. Gamaliel understood that if you stood in God's way and fought against God you would not win because GOD IS UNSTOPPABLE SCRIPTURE READING Acts of the Apostles 5:38-39 '“So my advice is, leave these men alone. Let them go. If they are planning and doing these things merely on their own, it will soon be overthrown. But if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God!” ' Prayer & Worship Time REFLECT: Take Time to reflect on how God is Unstoppable. Think of any Scriptures that come to mind that show how People who trusted God became Unstoppable and claim your place amongst the Unstoppable People in God's Kingdom who serve the Unstoppable God. Pray: Lord you are the God who is the beginning and the End, Your word is clear that everything starts and ends with you. That in itself tells us that you are the Eternal God in who there is no end for where you end there is the beginning. Lord i want to partake of your unstoppable nature as your Child who shares an inheritance in your awesome Kingdom. Help me to see that there more to you than I have known before and that when I am with you I am able to conquer the things that have stopped me in the past!!! Thank you for affording me the ability to serve you and to worship you as your child and your friend because of the victory won for me on the cross by Jesus. I am forever grateful and claim my unstoppable status in you my unstoppable God!!!
Author: Advocate Chikwati (c)ViewChurch2022